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Sharon Bates is our Clerk of Session and church secretary and keeps everyone well organized and up to date with all that we're to be doing and knowing. Particularly appreciated are her kind reminders.  Sharon has been a member for many years and is the eyes and ears of our local and greater community.  With her husband Robert, they raised their three children in the church.  The welfare of BVPC has always been a high priority for Sharon who knows the church as a family and cares for it as such.  She can usually be found doing something for anyone who needs her help.

Gerry Bates is a life long member of BVPC and is the property caretaker and cemetery superintendent.                       He can be found most days at the church for at least part of the day taking care of some need on our 19 acre              groundss.  All of which he takes care of nearly single handedly.  We'd be lost without him!  He is married to Lee.  

Pamela Haryn is our church treasurer.  With a long career in finance, she sees to it that the church finances are well cared for so that The First Presbyterian Church of Berkshire Valley's finances are an example of good financial stewardship.

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Roz Lynch is our church organist and music director and does an amazing job at directing our thoughts toward God with her musical talent, and has for over a dozen years.  Yet more than that, Roz is a big part of what holds BVPC together, she's constantly sharing not just the beauty of her music, but truly cares about the well being of our church family that we all are together.  She's married to Brian who is also an amazing musician in his own right and is generous enough to share his talents with us sometimes too. 

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